episode 18 - the word is dismast
the word is leadership podcast cover the word is dismast
Episode 18 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ sees Emmanuel once again open his new dictionary (but this time accompanied by a new jingle) to select the random word dismast.
Despite his acknowledged limited knowledge of sailing, he draws parallels between avoiding dismasting in sailing and crisis management in leadership. He emphasizes the importance of meticulous planning, team coordination, and preparation to prevent crises.
However, given that, regardless of preparation, unexpected events will happen leaders need to recognise when to call for help and ask for assistance. Emmanuel highlights the difference between mistakes and failures as a way to gauge how to prepare effectively and respond appropriately.
episode 17 - the word is prelogical
the word is leadership the word is mace podcast cover
In Episode 17 of "The Word is Leadership," we look at what the random word "prelogical" can teach us about leadership.
Using personal anecdotes from France and Sweden backed by psychological research into why we do what we from the US, I delve into the intricate relationship between logic and emotions.
We discuss the human tendency to simplify complex concepts by dividing logic and emotions and show how successful leadership is about understanding how both drive decision making.
To succeed in building trust and followership leaders need to understand emotional biases and how to generate prelogical responses. I conclude by emphasising the crucial role of emotional needs, safety, and hope in leadership, prompting leaders to reflect on the need and the importance to be prelogical in thinking about why anyone would want to follow them.
episode 16 - the word is mace
the word is leadership podcast episode cover the word is mace
For this Episode 16 of ‘The Word is Leadership’, we keep our format but change our dictionary! However, the hope that this would lead to selecting new words was short lived as our random word is mace.
Contrasting the spiked club and the ceremonial staff of office, we explore the various forms of assertive power in leadership. By distinguishing between power that makes others feel smaller (spiky club) and power that uplifts and supports (staff of office), we look at the significance of understanding power as the ability to impact and influence and highlight the transformative potential of the socialised form of assertive power.
In this episode I encourage leaders to contemplate whether their leadership style wields a spiky club or carries a ceremonial mace, in order to create the gravitational tug we discussed in previous episodes.
episode 15 - the word is broil
the word is leadership episode 15 the word is broil
In this 15th episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’ the random word of the week is broil.
Emmanuel uses the definition of broil, to make a link between the uncontrolled/controlled use of fire and the responses leaders have to unexpected events and crises. He emphasises the need for leaders to master the skill of broiling (the dynamics of controlling and directing high heat) instead of engaging in aimless firefighting.
He explores the concept of broiling further by offering the equation E + r or R = O (where E represents the event, r stands for react, R denotes respond, and O signifies the outcome) as a way for leaders to navigate the challenges they face. The distinction between reactive reflexes and thoughtful responses is underscored, emphasizing the need for leaders to build processes and networks that will help them transition from aimless firefighting to controlled broiling.
episode 14 - the word is parish
the word is leadership podcast the word is parish
In Episode 14 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ our random word is ‘parish’ prompting Emmanuel to highlight the dichotomy between the organisation (a formal structure such as a parish council) and the company (a social structure such as a religious parish), reminiscent of last week’s distinction between employees and companions.
The episode delves into the organisational challenges faced by leaders, emphasising the need for both the structure (organisation) and the social fabric (company). The term "parish" serves as a metaphor, encapsulating the duality of a district and a community, mirroring the dual nature of businesses requiring both organisational efficiency and social energy.
Despite the inherent tensions between the two components, as leaders, it is our role to reconcile both as they are needed for success. Emmanuel shows how to bridge this gap and create a thriving "parish," using three key levers leaving the audience with a thought-provoking perspective on organisational dynamics.
episode 13 - the word is companion
the word is leadership podcast week 13 the word is companion
In Episode 13 of ‘The Word is Leadership’, our random word of the week is ‘companion’, defined as one who accompanies another.
Recounting the story of Jacques and the medieval "compagnonnage" guild, Emmanuel uses this movement, with its rites of passage and communal journeys, as a metaphor for the intertwined nature of organisational accountabilities and individual social identities.
The episode delves into the dichotomy between employees and companions, stressing the crucial link between engaged and committed individuals and the harmonious integration of organisational expectations and social roles.
It encourages leaders to use clarity, standards, and commitment to guide individuals in understanding the broader goal, provide them with a compass for actions and nurture their strengths and capabilities.
This episode intertwines historical narrative, leadership philosophy, and actionable insights, encouraging leaders to reflect on their approach to those they lead.
episode 12 - the word is pride
the word is leadership episode 12 the word is pride
Welcome to Episode 12 of "The Word is Leadership." Where this week’s random word is ‘pride’.
Instead of simply focusing on pride as an emotion, Emmanuel explores the word itself to demonstrate how, given the words we chose impact our emotions, whether you see pride as an underused or overused word, the truth is that, too often, it is simply the wrong word to use.
After exploring both the positive and negative aspects of pride such as providing a sense of self-worth or diminishing self-awareness, Emmanuel shows us how we can create better outcomes by altering the words we use.
The proposition is that by substituting "pleasure," "gratefulness," or "humility" for "pride," we can achieve the perceive benefits of pride without the risks associated with it. This shift in language allows leaders to acknowledge achievements without negative consequences.
episode 11 - the word is graft
the word is leadership episode 11 the word is graft
This week, for episode 11 of ‘The Word is Leadership’, the random word is ‘GRAFT’ (inserting a shoot or scion into another stock to receive sap). Emmanuel draws parallels between biological grafting and organizational grafting, emphasizing the challenge of integrating new elements without rejection.
To address this Emmanuel introduces the ABC of grafting: Analyse, Be clear, and Clean-up. Analysing involves understanding both what the gaps in capability are in the existing organisation as well as why they exist. Being clear emphasises transparent communication with both the new hire (shoot) and the existing team (stock) about the purpose of the graft. Finally, the clean-up stage underscores the importance of ensuring organisational processes are ready to accept the graft.
Grafting is both a science and an art in leadership. The question for the week is whether organisations, instead of removing the shoot (new hire), have considered the health and compatibility of the stock (existing team).
episode 10 - the word is myxoma
the word is leadership episode 10 the word is myxoma
For this 10th episode of "The Word is Leadership." Our random word is "MYXOMA," a term related to a rabbit virus. Using the example of rabbits in Australia, Emmanuel decides to focus on what he calls the action, reaction, adaptation cycle and its implications for leaders.
He explains how the introduction of rabbits led to unforeseen consequences, triggering the need for actions and adaptations. The lesson for leaders is to recognize that any action produces a reaction, but over time, adaptation occurs. This cycle, known as the action, reaction, adaptation cycle, is crucial for anticipating and understanding changes in various contexts.
Drawing a parallel with business, Emmanuel encourages leaders to think beyond the immediate action-reaction phase and consider the long-term adaptation. By doing this, they can differentiate themselves, anticipate changes, and avoid being trapped in a reactive trajectory.
episode 9 - the word is archaic
the word is leadership episode 9 the word is archaic
Welcome to Episode 9 of "The Word is Leadership," this week, Emmanuel is faced with the word ‘archaic’ as his random word to improvise a leadership lesson with.
Highlighting the negative connotation of the word archaic (i.e. seeing the past as outmoded and irrelevant) Emmanuel discusses the need for leaders to be objective about their relationship with time and illustrates this with two stories. The first revolves around Gustave Eiffel and his iconic tower, and the second involves the Louvres’ pyramid in Paris.
He uses these to introduce three different ways to look at the past which he calls Museum (the past is to be protected), Tower (the past is irrelevant), and Pyramid (the past informs the future).
Emmanuel concludes the episode by emphasising that leaders' preferences for these views inform their reflections and actions as well as how they perceive their role (custodian, revolutionary and steward).
episode 8 - the word is which
the word is leadership episode 8 the word is which
In this 8th episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’, our host, Emmanuel Gobillot has to work with the random word ‘which’ to build a leadership lesson.
He begins with Rudyard Kipling's ‘six honest serving men’ - what, why, when, where, who, and how in order to emphasize their importance in studying and reporting on situations, but also to show that for leaders, an additional W is crucial to making choices – that W is ‘which’.
If leading is all about choosing, specifically choosing what is right over what is popular or expedient then “which” forces leaders to contend with the emotional involvement and commitment required to make the right choice. Whilst analysing a situation with Kiplings 5 Ws, provides objectivity and distance, the sixth W of which brings to the fore the need to understand the price to be paid for a chosen option and helps leaders assess their willingness to pay it.
episode 7 - the word is liability
the word is leadership episode 7 the word is liability
Episode 7 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ focuses on the word liability. Whilst there is clearly an association between with finance, Emmanuel steers away from this conventional focus preferring instead to explore the mindset attached to the word liability and its implications for leadership.
The central question posed is why does the word liability have a negative connotation when, in reality, it goes hand in hand with asset? The critical insight for leaders is how their attention shifts between liability and asset depending on circumstances.
For leaders, success lies in the differentiation between the liability mindset (deficit-focused, centred on "should" and judgment) and the asset mindset (benefit-focused, oriented towards “is” and assessment).
Given both mindsets are essential to determine true value Emmanuel argues that the key to success is to move from "should have" to "will do," from "should be" to "will be," thereby transforming individuals from victims to actors.
episode 6 - the word is crayon
the word is leadership episode 6 the word is crayon
In this sixth episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’ we once again find ourselves with a word starting with the letter C as our random word this week is crayon.
Emmanuel explores the concept of drawing with crayons as a metaphor for expressing one's true colours and personality in leadership and focuses on how we can draw our personal leadership brand with a crayon, showcasing authenticity and individuality. To structure the discussion, he uses the word ‘CRAYON’ as an acronym where each letter represents a key aspect of building a colourful leadership brand.
He goes on to illustrate how, for a leadership brand to resonate, it needs Consistency, Reliability, Ability, You, Originality and Network.
Whilst the use of the random word as an acronym is somewhat unconventional given the rules of the podcast, this episode prompts reflection on the authenticity, originality, and individuality in one's approach to leadership.
episode 5 - the word is common
the word is leadership episode 5 the word is common
Welcome to Episode 5 of ‘The Word is Leadership.’ Another week, another jingle, and another random word.
This week, using the word ‘common’ we delve into a leadership challenge related to the definition provided in our previous episode. How can leaders ensure that autonomous employees choose the organization’s goal over their own?
We contrast the default strategy of finding a compromise which leaves no one satisfied with the idea of finding common ground, which involves using individual goals to achieve organisational one’s and vice versa. Emmanuel provides a route map to success showing that the key to finding common ground is to seek the fulfilment of dreams rather than compromise to minimize nightmares.
This week ‘The Word is Leadership’ continues to explore leadership dynamics, focusing on the concept of finding common ground to align individual and organizational goals effectively.
episode 4 - the word is tug
episode 4 of the word is leadership this week the word is tug
Welcome to Episode 4 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ where, once again, Emmanuel Gobillot picks a random word to improvise a leadership lesson. With a new jingle in place, the random word this week is tug. A word which finally presents an opportunity to define what leadership is.
Using tug of war and tug boats to illustrate McGregor's Theory X and Y of management and motivation, Emmanuel challenges our assumption, by highlighting the power of employees. With his central argument that leadership is about creating the conditions for others to positively engage with a goal, he encourages leaders to shift from a focus on forceful tugging to the creation of a gravitational tug that motivates employees to exert their power willingly and positively.
Once again, ‘The Word is Leadership’ continues its exploration of leadership dynamics, this time using the word tug as a springboard to examine the essence of human motivation.
episode 3 - the word is squeak
The word is leadership episode 3 - the word is squeak
In episode 3 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ Emmanuel Gobillot continues to build leadership lessons inspired by random words. The chosen word this week is squeak (and there's even a jingle to introduce it).
This episode takes a personal turn as Emmanuel recalls a joke from his uncle Roger which becomes a metaphor to discuss the dangers of becoming over sensitized or desensitized to organisational squeaks.
Having identified the three leadership challenges of squeaks (Inability to Distinguish between significant and inconsequential squeaks, neglect of the silences that accompany the positive aspects of the organization, and deafness to squeaks that leads them to become shrieks) Emmanuel provides three levers to leadership effectiveness.
Using the word squeak as a launch pad to offer valuable insights, this week’s episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’ explores the delicate balance of addressing concerns while maintaining a focus on organizational successes.
episode 2 - the word is gentry
Welcome back to another episode of "The Word is Leadership." In this second instalment, global leadership speaker, author and consultant, Emmanuel Gobillot continues the unique approach of selecting a random word and deriving leadership lessons from it.
This time, the chosen word is gentry.
Drawing parallels between the social structure of royalty, court, and gentry and the organizational structure of executives, senior management, and middle managers, the episode highlights the critical role of the ‘gentry’ or middle managers in ensuring the success and well-functioning of an organization.
Emmanuel encourages senior leaders to create an environment that makes it easy for the gentry to speak the truth, positioning middle managers as indispensable connectors between different levels within the organization.
With episode 2, ‘The Word is Leadership’ continues to deliver insightful leadership lessons, using the random word gentry as a lens to explore the intricacies of organizational dynamics and the vital role of middle management.
episode 1 - the word is sock
Welcome to the first episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’ podcast, where each week, our host, global leadership speaker, author and consultant, Emmanuel Gobillot, embarks on a unique journey by selecting a random word to extract valuable leadership lessons from it. In this inaugural episode, our word is surprisingly simple yet profound – sock.
We reflect on the unnoticed habits in our organizations, akin to the automatic act of putting on socks each day. Drawing parallels between organizational routines and the habitual nature of wearing socks, Emmanuel highlights the potential for embarrassment when we overlook ingrained practices.
This episode delves into the importance of periodically questioning the necessity and efficiency of entrenched systems to identify and rectify suboptimal processes.
In this entertaining and insightful journey through the seemingly mundane, ‘The Word is Leadership’ sets the stage for future episodes that promise to uncover leadership lessons from unexpected corners of the dictionary.