episode 15 - the word is broil
In this 15th episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’ the random word of the week is broil.
Emmanuel uses the definition of broil, to make a link between the uncontrolled/controlled use of fire and the responses leaders have to unexpected events and crises. He emphasises the need for leaders to master the skill of broiling (the dynamics of controlling and directing high heat) instead of engaging in aimless firefighting.
He explores the concept of broiling further by offering the equation E + r or R = O (where E represents the event, r stands for react, R denotes respond, and O signifies the outcome) as a way for leaders to navigate the challenges they face. The distinction between reactive reflexes and thoughtful responses is underscored, emphasizing the need for leaders to build processes and networks that will help them transition from aimless firefighting to controlled broiling.