“Whilst everyone is scrambling to get onto the “we-think” bandwagon, Emmanuel is up front giving it clear direction. He is surely the freshest voice in leadership today.”
Our models of business are rooted in research done before most of the economical, technological and social disruptions we know today. So does our understanding of leadership and organizations need upgrading?
I guess this is the kind of reasoning that has led a reviewer to call me ‘the first leadership guru for the digital generation’. I’m pretty sure that’s not true on a number of fronts but nevertheless my aim as a writer is to challenge our leadership practices in search of continued excellence.
A publisher gave me the chance to write my first book and enough readers ensured I was given a further 6 chances to share my thoughts.
From 'The Connected Leader' (a second, updated, edition of which was published by DeGruyter in 2024) in which I explore the need to reconnect our formal organisations to the social networks that underpin their agility to ’This is Not a Leadership Book’ where I draw the lessons for success from over 20 years of consulting, via 'Leadershift', 'Follow the Leader', ‘Disciplined Collaboration’ and my co-authored books ‘Unleash Your Leader’ and 'Respond, Recover & Re-Imagine’, my work as an author has been driven by the same mantra - There must be a better way and together we can find it!