episode 11 - the word is graft
This week, for episode 11 of ‘The Word is Leadership’, the random word is ‘GRAFT’ (inserting a shoot or scion into another stock to receive sap). Emmanuel draws parallels between biological grafting and organizational grafting, emphasizing the challenge of integrating new elements without rejection.
To address this Emmanuel introduces the ABC of grafting: Analyse, Be clear, and Clean-up. Analysing involves understanding both what the gaps in capability are in the existing organisation as well as why they exist. Being clear emphasises transparent communication with both the new hire (shoot) and the existing team (stock) about the purpose of the graft. Finally, the clean-up stage underscores the importance of ensuring organisational processes are ready to accept the graft.
Grafting is both a science and an art in leadership. The question for the week is whether organisations, instead of removing the shoot (new hire), have considered the health and compatibility of the stock (existing team).