episode 37 - the word is hock
In this, our 37th episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’, I tackle our random word ‘hock’ to uncover insights into leadership development and personal growth.
Defined as the joint in a horse's leg, "hock" prompts images of forward and backward motion, connections, and adaptation which lead me to use the letter of a word itself to delve into development and change.
I use the letters of the word HOCK as the foundations of our inquiry into continuous leadership development and personal evolution.
I argue that we start by "Having" a clear vision of our goals and aspirations along with a clear assessment of our current situation. Next, we must decide if we will achieve our goals by acquiring new skills, knowledge, or resources ("Obtain"), make sure we play to our strengths (“Keep”) or adjust our existing situation to our desired state ("Change”).
Through this cyclical learning loop, we harness the power of connections and forward-backward motion inherent in the definition of "hock."
As we ponder our own leadership journey, it is always worth considering if we have a strong "hock" to propel us forward.