episode 38 - the word is continuum

For episode 38 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ I dive into the concept of ‘continuum’ and its implications for leaders.

Defined as a continuous series with no perceptible differences between adjacent parts, "continuum" prompts me to think about the notion of compromise and linear progression. A continuum is a reminder that every action, no matter how small, contributes to our journey towards our goal. each incremental step, even if seemingly insignificant, shapes our path forward.

Our goal as leaders isn't just to plan a route from A to B but to navigate the continuum consciously. We avoid straying too far from our intended path by understanding incremental changes and their cumulative impact.

By constantly positioning ourselves on the continuum from where we are to where we hope to be we can be both deliberate and intentional in our pursuit of our goal whilst remaining flexible in adapting and responding to events.


episode 39 - the word is rosé


episode 37 - the word is hock