episode 20 - the word is eagle

Another milestone as we reach episode 20 of ‘The Word is Leadership’. Our random word this week from which Emmanuel Gobillot derives leadership lessons is "eagle."

Emmanuel delves into the symbolism of the eagle in various cultures and summarises the appeal of eagle as a symbol of leadership with the words power (strength and reassurance), vision (seeing the bigger picture and planning for the future), and grace (creating a climate of effectiveness in the organisation).

However, Emmanuel challenges the notion that they, alone, are sufficient for leadership success by introducing the perspective of the pigeon. He suggests that the eagle's attributes are essential, leaders must also embody the pack mentality, street-fighting spirit, and agility of pigeons. He encourages leaders to reflect on the balance between soaring like an eagle and sweating like a pigeon, leaving the audience with the question, ‘Have you thought about your pigeon as you soar like an eagle?’.


episode 21 - the word is nectar


episode 19 - the word is presume