episode 30 - the word is prevail
For Episode 30 of ‘The Word is Leadership’ our random word is the verb to prevail.
I continue to reflect on what it means for a leader to have power and break down the definition of prevail into four imperatives of leadership power.
First, I discuss ‘the mastery imperative’, emphasising the importance of gaining mastery in one's field to stand out as a leader. I, then, explore ‘the safety imperative’, highlighting the need for leaders to be the prevalent feature that provides safety and stability for their teams. Next, I introduce ‘the community imperative’, stressing the importance of building a strong community of followers as a leader. Lastly, I outline ’the possibility imperative’, which involves persuading and inspiring others to believe in the limitless possibilities ahead.
I conclude with a, hopefully thought-provoking, question of the week asking you: "Are you prepared to prevail over yourself in order to lead others?"