episode 23 - the word is grain

In this 23rd episode of ‘The Word is Leadership’ our random word is ‘grain’.

Associating the notion of seed with change and the notion of the grain of the wood with resistance (as in going against the grin) Emmanuel focuses on unveiling why people resist change and what leaders can do about it.

Introducing the notion that not all change is resisted, using the mnemonic HURT, we discussed the elements that make some changes painful (Hurried, Unnecessary, Relentless, and Top-down). Emmanuel emphasises the importance of understanding the existing structure and social networks within organisations to transform potential irritating grains of change into pearls of progress.

The episode concludes with a thought-provoking question prompting leaders to reconsider their approach to change and embrace strategies that align with the existing organisational fabric. ‘Have you thought about going with the grain rather than against it to turn your grain of sand from an irritant to a pearl?’


episode 24 - the word is palm


episode 22 - the word is dumb